Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Emergency Department Prolonged Length of Stay: A Case Study from Italy
P. Perliti, A. Giovanetti, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
IHSI - Rome, Italy. (Oral)
Semantically Conditioned Prompts for Visual Recognition under Missing Modality Scenarios
V. Pipoli, F. Bolelli, S. Sarto, M. Cornia, L. Baraldi, C. Grana, R. Cucchiara, E. Ficarra
WACV - Tucson, Arizona.
Towards Unbiased Continual Learning: Avoiding Forgetting in the Presence of Spurious Correlations
G. Capitani, L. Bonicelli, A. Porrello, F. Bolelli, S. Calderara, E. Ficarra
WACV - Tucson, Arizona.
Accurate 3D Medical Image Segmentation with Mambas
L. Lumetti, V. Pipoli, K. Marchesini, E. Ficarra, C. Grana, F. Bolelli ISBI - Huouston, Texas, USA.
BarBeR: A Barcode Benchmarking Repository
E. Vezzali, F. Bolelli, S. Santi, C. Grana
ICPR - Kolkata, India.
Investigating the ABCDE Rule in Convolutional Neural Networks
F. Bolelli, L. Lumetti, K. Marchesini, E. Candeloro, C. Grana
ICPR - Kolkata, India.
Identifying Impurities in Liquids of Pharmaceutical Vials
G. Rosati, K. Marchesini, L. Lumetti, F. Sartori, B. Balboni, F. Begarani, L. Vescovi, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
ICPR - Kolkata, India.
Location Matters: Harnessing Spatial Information to Enhance the Segmentation of the Inferior Alveolar Canal in CBCTs
L. Lumetti, V. Pipoli, F. Bolelli, E. Ficarra, C. Grana
ICPR - Kolkata, India.
ClusterFix: A Cluster-Based Debiasing Approach without Protected-Group Supervision
G. Capitani, F. Bolelli, A. Porrello, S. Calderara, E. Ficarra
WACV - Hawaii, USA.
DAS-MIL: Distilling Across Scales for MIL Classification of Histological WSIs
G. Bontempo, A. Porrello, F. Bolelli, S. Calderara, E. Ficarra
MICCAI - Vancouver, Canada. (Oral)
Buffer-MIL: Robust Multi-instance Learning with a Buffer-based Approach
G. Bontempo, L. Lumetti, A. Porrello, F. Bolelli, S. Calderara, E. Ficarra
ICIAP - Udine, Italy.
Annotating the Inferior Alveolar Canal: the Ultimate Tool
L. Lumetti, V. Pipoli, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
ICIAP - Udine, Italy.
Enhancing PFI Prediction with GDS-MIL: A Graph-based Dual Stream MIL Approach
G. Bontempo, N. Bartolini, M. Lovino, F. Bolelli, A. Virtanen, E. Ficarra
ICIAP - Udine, Italy.
Improving Segmentation of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve through Deep Label Propagation
M. Cipriano, S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, F. Pollastri, C. Grana
CVPR - New Orleans, USA.
Connected Components Labeling on Bitonal Images
F. Bolelli, S. Allegretti, C. Grana
ICIAP - Lecce, Italy.
Fast Run-Based Connected Components Labeling for Bitonal Images
W. Lee, S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
IVPR - Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. (Oral)
Long-Range 3D Self-Attention for MRI Prostate Segmentation
F. Pollastri, M. Cipriano, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
ISBI - Kolkata, India.
A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Annotation Tool for Automatic Detection of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Canal
C. Mercadante, M. Cipriano, F. Bolelli, F. Pollastri, M. Di Bartolomeo, A. Anesi, C. Grana
VISAPP - Vienna, Austria.
The DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedical Applications
M. Cancilla, L. Canalini, F. Bolelli, [...], J.A. Gómez, S. Leo, M.E. Piras, L. Pireddu, A. Badouh, S. Marco-Sola, L. Alvarez, M. Moreto, C. Grana
ICPR - Milan, Italy.
A Heuristic-Based Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling of 3D Volumes
M. Söchting, S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
ICPR - Milan, Italy.
Supporting Skin Lesion Diagnosis with Content-Based Image Retrieval
S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, F. Pollastri, S. Longhitano, G. Pellacani, C. Grana
ICPR - Milan, Italy.
Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Image Classification
F. Pollastri, J. Maroñas, F. Bolelli, G. Ligabue, R. Paredes, R. Magistroni, C. Grana
ICPR - Milan, Italy.
A Warp Speed Chain-Code Algorithm Based on Binary Decision Trees
S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, C. Grana
IVPR - Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. (Oral)
Skin Lesion Segmentation Ensemble with Diverse Training Strategies
L. Canalini, F. Pollastri, F. Bolelli, M. Cancilla, S. Allegretti, C. Grana
CAIP - Salerno, Italy. (Oral)
How does Connected Components Labeling with Decision Trees perform on GPUs?
S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, M. Cancilla, F. Pollastri, L. Canalini, C. Grana
CAIP - Salerno, Italy. (Oral, Best Paper Award!)
A Block-Based Union-Find Algorithm to Label Connected Components on GPUs
S. Allegretti, F. Bolelli, M. Cancilla, C. Grana
ICIAP - Trento, Italy.
Improving the Performance of Thinning Algorithms with Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs
F. Bolelli, C. Grana
ICIAP - Trento, Italy. (Spotlight)