Federico Bolelli

Short Courses


School in AI: Deep Learning, Vision and Language for Industry (1st Edition) - Image Processing and Labs

Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari", Modena, Italy

Corso di Formazione Teorico e Pratico su Computer Vision e Machine Learning

CNH Industrial, Modena, Italy

School in AI: Deep Learning, Vision and Language for Industry (2nd Edition) - Image Processing and Labs

Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari", Modena, Italy


Tecnologie e Software per il Trattamento dei Big Data

IFOA, Reggio Emilia (Virtual), Italy

Corso di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore

CFI, Ferrara (Virtual), Italy


Machine Learning e Deep Learning Corso Teorico e Pratico

Democenter, Modena, Italy

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Please note that the solutions above are to be purely intended for educational purposes.

Tecnologie e Software per il Trattamento dei Big Data

IFOA, Reggio Emilia (Virtual), Italy

Corso di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore

CFI, Ferrara (Virtual), Italy


Corso di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore

CFI, Ferrara, Italy

Course material is outdated. Please see the material of the latest edition.

Anticipare la Crescita con le Nuove Competenze sui Big Data - II edizione

Nuova Didactica, Modena, Italy

Please note that the solutions above are to be purely intended for educational purposes.

Data Protection Officer & Analyst - II edizione

IFOA, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Please note that the solutions above are to be purely intended for educational purposes.

Machine Learning e Deep Learning Corso Teorico e Pratico

Democenter, Modena, Italy

Course material is outdated. Please see the material of the latest master edition.


Machine Learning e Deep Learning Corso Teorico e Pratico

Democenter, Modena, Italy

Course material is outdated. Please see the material of the latest master edition.


Federico Bolelli, PhD
Chair of the IAPR TC 22
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTT)
University of Modena & Reggio Emilia
Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari"

Via P. Vivarelli 10
41125 Modena (MO), Italy
Office: Building 27, Second Floor
Lab: Building 27, Ground Floor, "Zero"
Tel. +39 059 205 8787
federico.bolelli _AT_ unimore.it