Federico Bolelli



07/08/2024 - 4 Papers Accepted for Publication @ ICPR 2024.

Papers "BarBeR: A Barcode Benchmarking Repository", "Location Matters: Harnessing Spatial Information to Enhance the Segmentation of the Inferior Alveolar Canal in CBCTs", "Investigating the ABCDE Rule in Convolutional Neural Networks", and "Identifying Impurities in Liquids of Pharmaceutical Vials" have been accepted for publication @ ICPR 2024, Kolkata, India.

18/07/2024 - Survey paper accepted for publication @ IEEE TPDS

Our paper "A State-of-the-Art Review with Code about Connected Components Labeling on GPUs" has been accepted for publication @ IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).

10/07/2024 - Winner of the FARD 2024

For the third consecutive year, I received a grant under FAR 2024 (University Fund for Research - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca), call for CURIOSITY DRIVEN projects. The grant will be mainly devoted to the study and development of artificial intelligence algorithms for the segmentation of Maxillofacial structures. Moreover, within the AImageLab laboratory, I've been also founded for the call "POTENZIAMENTO INFRASTRUTTURE" under the same grant. Total amount funded 25,350.00 €

18/05/2024 - Paper accepted for publication @ IEEE Access

Our paper "Enhancing Patch-Based Learning for the Segmentation of the Mandibular Canal" has been accepted for publication @ IEEE Access.

08/03/2024 - Second edition of the ToothFairy challenge accepted @ MICCAI 2024

I am thrilled to announce that the second edition of the ToothFairy challenge "ToothFairy2: Multi-Structure Segmentation in CBCT Volumes" has been accepted @ MICCAI 2024 that will be held from October 6th to 10th 2024 in Marrakech, Morocco. Please visit the challenge wesite for more details.

01/03/2024 - New position as RTT

I took up service as a tenure-track assistant professor.


20/11/2023 - Paper accepted for publication @ IEEE TMI

Our paper "A Graph-Based Multi-Scale Approach with Knowledge Distillation for WSI Classification" has been accepted for publication @ IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI).

03/11/2023 - Project financed by "Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2023"

Our project "Deep Learning for Renal Pathology Prognosis Prediction" (CUP E93C23002090007) has been financed by the "Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2023 (University Research Fund 2023)" for a total of 65,600.00 €

24/10/2023 - Paper accepted for publication @ WACV 2024, Waikoloa, Hawaii

Our paper "ClusterFix: A Cluster-based Debiasing Approach without Protected-Group Supervision" has been accepted for publication @ WACV 2024, which will take place on Jan. 4 - 8 in Waikoloa, Hawaii.

24/07/2023 - MICCAI STudent-Author Registration (STAR) Award

Our paper "DAS-MIL: Distilling Across Scales for MIL Classification of WSIs", accepted for publication @ MICCAI 2023, recevied the MICCAI STudent-Author Registration (STAR) Award.

14/07/2023 - Winner of the FARD 2023 CURIOSITY DRIVEN

I received a 10,000.00 € grant under FAR 2023 (University Fund for Research - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca), call for CURIOSITY DRIVEN projects. The grant will be mainly devoted to the study and development of artificial intelligence algorithms for the advanced analysis of confocal and whole-slide images to support the clinical practice.

25/05/2023 - Paper accepted for publication @ MICCAI 2023, Vancouver

Our paper "DAS-MIL: Distilling Across Scales for MIL Classification of WSIs" has been provisionally accepted (early acceptance) for publication @ MICCAI 2023 that will be held from October 8th to 12nd 2023 in Vancouver Convention Centre Canada.

03/03/2023 - Tooth Fairy Challenge Accepted @ MICCAI 2023, Vancouver

Our challenge "Tooth Fairy: A Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Segmentation Challenge" has been accepted @ MICCAI 2023 that will be held from October 8th to 12nd 2023 in Vancouver Convention Centre Canada. More details will be soon available at www.toothfairychallenge.eu


11/10/2022 - Winner of the FARD 2022 STARTER KIT

I received a ~10,000.00 € grant under FAR 2022 (University Fund for Research - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca), call for STARTER KIT. The grant will be mainly devoted to the development of ML/AI algoritmhs for classifying skin lesion images from mobile devices.

01/03/2022 - Paper accepted for publication @ CVPR2022

Our paper "Improving Segmentation of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve through Deep Label Propagation" has been accepted for publication @ "CVPR2022". See the paper and the website.

01/03/2022 - Taking service as Assistan Professor (RTDA) @ UNIMORE

Taking service as Assistan Professor (RTDA) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

02/01/2022 - Covid CXR Hackathon

The Covid CXR Hackathon has been launched during the Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity for Human Health workshpop - Expo 2020, Dubai. You can find all the datails in the hackathon website.


03/11/2021 - "Deep-Learning and High Performance Computing to Boost Biomedical Applications" workshop @ ICIAP 2021

The workshop proposal "Deep-Learning and High Performance Computing to Boost Biomedical Applications" has been accepted @ ICIAP 2021. The workshop website is available here.

15/10/2021 - "Binary is the new Black (and White)" workshop @ ICIAP 2021

The workshop proposal "Binary is the new Black (and White): Recent Advances on Binary Image Processing" has been accepted @ ICIAP 2021. The workshop website is available here.

17/01/2021 - "One DRAG to Rule Them All" paper accepted for publication at IEEE TPAMI!

Our paper "One DRAG to Rule Them All" has been accepted for publication at "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - TPAMI". You can find the article here and the source code on GitHub.


11/10/2020 - 4 Papers Accepted for Publication @ ICPR 2020.

Papers "Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Images Classification", "A Heuristic-Based Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling of 3D Volumes", "Supporting Skin Lesion Diagnosis with Content-Based Image Retrieval", and "The DeepHealth Toolkit: a Unified Framework to Boost Biomedical Applications" have been accepted for publication @ ICPR 2020

30/06/2020 - Hardware funded by UNIMORE under FAR 2020, call for equipment

Our research group received a 20,000.00 € grant under UNIMORE FAR 2020 (University Fund for Research - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca), call for equipment. Also thanks to the financial contribution of Prof. Giovanni Pellacani, Prof. Riccardo Magistroni, and Dr. Alexandre Anesi research teams, we will equip our lab with a new server system (~162 TFLOPS) to train AI models for Medical Imaging.

03/04/2020 - Project funded in the "High Skills for Research and Technological Transfer" call

Our research project "Automated detection of the Inferior Alveolar nerve Canal (IAC) in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) using deep-learning techniques" has been selected by Emilia Romagna region in the call "Alte Competenze per la Ricerca e il Trasferimento Tecnologico" (High Skills for Research and Technological Transfer). Together with the team of Prof. Alexandre Anesi, our research group will receive a 30,000.00 € grant for a fellow position.


16/12/2019 - Certificate of merit for scientific research in 2019 @ UNIMORE

UNIMORE awarded more than 70 students and researchers with a certificate of merit for having distinguished themselves in national and international scientific research in 2019. I am proud to be one of them!

29/09/2019 - The paper on Spaghetti Labeling has been accepted at Transactions on Image Processing!

Our paper "Spaghetti Labeling: Directed Acyclic Graphs for Block-Based Connected Components Labeling" has been accepted at "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing - TIP". See the paper and the source code on GitHub.

04/09/2019 - Best Paper Award at CAIP 2019

Our paper "How does Connected Components Labeling with Decision Trees perform on GPUs?" has been awarded as the best paper of the "18th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns" . See the paper and the GitHub repository with the source code.

31/08/2019 - Third Place at the 2019 ISIC Challenge

Our research team, together with the PRHLT group from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, came third (out of 64 research groups) in the international competition on skin lesion classification (ISIC 2019). See the online leaderboard.


01/10/2018 - The H2020 European Project "DeepHealth" has been accepted

Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health (DeepHealth in short) project has been funded by the EC under the topic ICT-11-2018-2019 "HPC and Big Data enabled Large-scale Test-beds and Applications". DeepHealth is a 3-year project, kicked-off in mid January 2019 and is expected to conclude its work in December 2021. The aim of DeepHealth is to offer a unified framework completely adapted to exploit underlying heterogeneous HPC and Big Data architectures; and assembled with state-of-the-art techniques in Deep Learning and Computer Vision. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 825111. Our research team will be involved in the development of the European Computer Vision Library (ECVL), the front-end of the DeepHealth toolkit, and will be responsible for the skin lesion segmentation and classification use case.


Federico Bolelli, PhD

University of Modena & Reggio Emilia
Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari"

Via P. Vivarelli 10
41125 Modena (MO), Italy
Building 27, Ground Floor, "Lab. Zero"

Tel. +39 059 205 8787
federico.bolelli _AT_ unimore.it